Advent Lessons and Carols
As Advent kicked off in early December, St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Purcellville, Virginia, held a special service of Advent Lessons and Carols. This service is a very solemn way to get into the spirit of Advent with reflections in music and scripture.
Perhaps the best performance ever from the young choristers comes in the very beginning with the Advent Canticle. The children here show their countless hours of practice when singing Veni, Veni, Emmanuel in Latin while harmonizing with the adult choir. The piece is beautiful, and makes my eyes glisten each time I hear it. At the beginning, you can hear Becky's strong alto starting the piece off, and the kids come in after the sopranos with a quiet and graceful performance. This is real magic.
I've placed recordings of the service on my blog for those who are interested. These MP3 files are released into the public domain, so feel free to copy them for your own enjoyment or spiritual reflection.
Purcellville, Virginia
Musical Direction and Organ by Barbara Bulger Verdile
Advent Lessons and Carols
- Organ Prelude
- Avent Canticle (O Come)
- Hymn 56 - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
- Advent Collect and Prayers
- Lesson 1 - Isaiah 11:1-9
- Anthem - Creator of the Stars of Night
- Hymn 68 - Rejoice, Rejoice Believers
- Lesson 2 - Isaiah 40:1-11
- Anthem - Comfort, Comfort, Ye My People
- Hymn 67 - Comfort, Comfort, Ye My People
- Lesson 3 - Isaiah 7:10-15
- Anthem - Contemplation, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
- Hymn 66 - Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
- Lesson 4 - Luke 1:26-38
- Anthem - Advent Lullaby
- Hymn 75 - The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came
- Lesson 5 - Matthew 1:18-23
- Anthem - Jesus, Gift of God
- Hymn 76 - On Jordan's Bank
- Lesson 6 - Mark 1:1-15
- Anthem - Thou All Transcendent Deity
- Hymn 59 - Hark! A Thrilling Voice is Sounding
- Collects for Advent
- Hymn 57 - Lo! He Comes, With Clouds Descending
- Organ Finale