The Michael Show
I was going to post the videos from our wedding, but even though I greatly compressed the video from over an hour and a half (most of it is our insufferable preacher talking endlessly) to just about five minutes, it's still not the most exciting stuff.
For any of the real die hards out there who want to see it, you can view all of my wedding videos at YouTube by hitting this link. Highlights include some of the last footage of all the grandparents, including especially good close-ups when we were all posing for the big group photo after the receiving line.
I will call your attention to the wedding reception, which was one hell of a good party! My favorite part of this video is around 7:37 when the future Most Reverend Michael Harris puts on quite a salacious show.
Merrick and Deachi were pretty "loaded" in this video, and it's fun to watch them follow around my rather handsome best man, Rob. Olech shows up in this video too, as a thirteen year old. There are lots and lots of other relatives too, like the last video I have of Grandpas Harris and Guier, and Grandma Harris too. Viola makes her appearance, as do all the aunts and uncles.
Of course, Becky is gorgeous--absolutely stunning! And as for me, well, I look like I'm about fourteen years old. (Perfectly legal marrying age in Georgia.)