Sunday, October 01, 2006

Blessing of the Animals

Today, at St. Pete's, they had their annual blessing of the animals, a tradition tied back to St. Francis of Assisi. We held service outdoors, so that no animals left their mark upon the carpet in the church, and it was a lovely sunny morning for an outdoor service.

We saw animals of all kinds: horses, cats, dogs, goldfish, snakes, guinea pigs, hamsters, even a squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis).

The services was a fairly normal service, except that all the hymns were "animal" related. (As in: All God's Creatures (Got a Place in the Choir), etc.) After communion, they brought up the animals for the blessings.

As Eddie approached with his hamster, Fr. Tom asked him what her name was.

"Quon Yin," replied Eddie.

Tom remarked, "Ah, the goddess of compassion!"

I was impressed. This guy knows his world religion!

Frank also received some much needed, and very much overdue, blessings. That furry pig-dog can take all the blessings he can get!

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