Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Frolicking

Today was a spectacularly gorgeous day. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing in a nice breeze, it was warm and really, really nice. We absolutely refused to let the kids stay indoors, and kicked them out right after church.

The kids played and played. Eddie and Gabi found a garter snake, which they placed in a bucket so they could adore it more closely. Luke and Andrew shot the BB gun a little bit, but soon bored of that. Then, they were all off down to the creek to get soaked.

After that, the kids paired off in unusual pairings. Eddie and Andrew played together for quite some time, while Luke and Gabi paired up on the playground. This is really unusual, and had me scratching my head! The only thing that was normal was that they were all annoyed by Zach!

I stretched out for a bit in my hammock for a Sunday afternoon nap, and Becky stayed mostly indoors, enjoying the quiet of the day.

I did find time during the day to pour a concrete pad for my new rain barrel that Eddie made. I'll take a photo of it once I get it installed. It's a great 50 gallon olive barrel from Greece that the boy scouts modified into a rain barrel, with hose attachment and even a brass faucet.

It was such a nice day, I couldn't resist taking some photos of flowers as well.

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