Night Sky
I was trying to take a photo of the moon, but I liked how this turned out anyway. The auto-focus picked out the dogwood trees, leaving the cherries, the spruce and the moon blurred. I've noticed that I'm getting a small green reflection (lower left of the moon) with bright points of light in night photos. I think it's from reflections in my UV filter.
Then, once I put the lens on infinity and picked a very short shutter speed, I was able to capture this amazing photo of the moon.
Finally, I tried a couple of sky photos. Here's a composite of Orion. I didn't focus the photo properly, and my hands were sticking to the ice-cold tripod, so I didn't want to play with it too much. The stars look too blurry, but I like how Betelgeuse shows up nice, big and orange. I'm not quite sure what the "eclipse" effect is on some of these stars. (Most notable on Rigel, on the lower right.) If anybody knows, please comment.