Kilted News
Becky alerted me to an excellent article in the Washington Post this weekend about a new kilt shop open in Manassas. The store is called "Kilted Nation" and caters more to the tough biker-dude kilts (generally Utilikilts) rather than the traditional Scottish kilts. Even so, it's good to have another kilt store popping up.
The shop is run by an ex Pro-Wrestler, named Brad Hutchins, and as the Post article points out, he wears the kilt now all the time. When the teasing goes too far, he will threaten to rip your arms off. I like his panache.
Here's the link to the Post article.
I also received an email from the Clan Campbell Society of North America that the 2007 Virginia Scottish Games will be held in the beautiful Sky Meadows State Park on September 15, just a stone's throw from my home. Unlike the recent Leesburg festival, this festival will promise a full set of Highland Games! Oooh, the excitement!
Aye, tis a fine time to be a wearin' the kilt.