Blue and Gold Banquet
The whole family tonight attended our annual Cub Scout Pack 39 Blue and Gold Banquet. This is the big pot luck banquet for the year, and also when the boys receive their rank that they've been working on all year.
This year, Eddie received his Bear badge, completing all of the rank badges on his blue uniform. Luke received his second rank badge, his Tiger badge.
The award ceremony, led by Shane and myself, consisted of painting the boys' faces with face paints with colors symbolizing various aspects of their rank: courage, honor, etc. I think the boys very much enjoy the ceremonies, despite complaining about the face paints.
The pot luck, as pot lucks go, was pretty good actually. With 50 families, and over 200 people in attendance, there was actually enough variety so I didn't have to eat too much Jell-O salad or freaky casseroles with mystery meat. Actually, someone brought short ribs, and they were really good!
Here are some of my favorite photos from the night.
And here is a short music video from the night. Enjoy!