Garden Update
It's been a weekend full of rain showers, some of them surprisingly strong. In between cloud bursts, I was able to snap a few photos of the current batch of flowers. I'm particularly pleased with the Beebalm (Mondara didyma) aka Bergamot (anybody for some Earl Grey Tea)? The sunflowers were also a welcome addition. Also shown here are Eddie's Dianthus, the first of the Buddleia, Yarrow, and Daylilies.
This weekend, we also got the first ripe lemon in five years from our Meyer Lemon tree. It's also the first lemon we've actually grown on our own. The other lemon we harvested off the tree actually came with the tree. So we squeezed it into a glass and made lemonade. (When life gives you lemons... )
The lemonade was good, and we've got about a dozen more ready to be ripe soon, so hopefully we can do something cool with them! Maybe a pie.