Sunday, November 11, 2012

Loudoun County All County Men's Chorus

Eddie was one of about 120 kids selected from each of the high schools in the county to perform in the TTBB Men's Choir.  What a great performance for a bunch of kids who had 48 hours to learn this music!!

In the video above, the playlist is as follows:

0:00 - Yo le canto todo el dia (David Brunner)
5:00 - Wir haben ihn gesehen (Beethoven, arr. Alexa Doebele)
9:03 - Rest Not (Laura Farnell) - featuring the Freshmen and Sophomores only
14:07 - Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder (arr. David Dusing)
19:50 - Homage (Z. Randall Stroope) - this one brought tears to my eyes!
26:58 - Lydia, The Tattooed Lady (arr. Jay Althouse) - You DON'T want to miss this one!

Be sure to watch in fullscreen!

(Eddie, by the way, is located on the second level, about three people to the right of the piano)

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