Goodbye Eddie! Have Fun at Camp!
This morning, we said goodbye to Eddie as he is headed off to summer camp. This is Eddie's first summer camp, and his first week away from home without us. I think he was a little nervous about going, but it helps that he'll be sharing a tent with Eoin, who he's known since they were both babies. They're like cousins, the two of them. Plus there are lots of other parents going that know Eddie, so he'll be fine. The troop have all kinds of activities planned--water skiing, kayaking, fishing, swimming, hiking. It's going to be a blast!! But Eddie was a little nervous, and we're missing him already. (Well, maybe Luke isn't missing him just yet.)
We did take advantage of the opportunity, though, being without Mr. Sensitive, to go see the new Star Trek movie. What a movie! Best movie in a decade!
Have fun at camp, Eddie! And come home safe and sound (and hopefully, with all the stuff you took with you).