Aww, Shucks!
My meetings got out a little early today, so I sped off to downtown Seattle to take in some sights. I wanted to go up in the Space Needle, but when I arrived, there was a sign posted on the ticket booth window which said, "CLOSED. Private Event 4pm-7:30pm." Rats!
Undeterred, I headed on over to my new favorite Seattle restaurant, Elliott's Oyster House for an early supper. I treated myself to 24 of the freshest, nicest oysters from the Puget Sound. Late October to early November is the high season for oysters, and since the restaurant shucks them only after you order, these are absolutely the freshest oysters you will ever eat (unless you're an otter).
My first round of oysters was paired with a 12 year Bunnahabhain, which is a superb Islay whisky. The saltiness and seaweediness of this fine whisky went superbly with the texture and flavor of the oysters. Then, for my second round, I switched gears a bit to try a lowland dram of Auchentoshen. The Auchentoshen was a much simpler malt, but still provided that satisfying disinfectant property for eating so much raw shellfish. (Always a concern.)
The meal wasn't cheap. I'll be eating McDonalds for the remainder of the trip to try to recover my per diem, but the splurge was well worth it!