Letters to Congress / Senate
I took Chuck and Becky's lead and wrote three letters to my Senators and Congressman today. Mr. Wolf, Mr. Webb, and Mr. Warner have all heard from me on this financial bailout issue. I urge you, now is the time to write your congressman. Nothing works better on them than reminding them of your vote. It will only be the onslaught of emails and letters that makes them respond. I think it's starting to work.
Dear Congressman Wolf:
As a fiscal conservative, and a constituent of yours in Northern Virginia, I urge you, please, in the strongest terms: NO WALL STREET BAILOUT!
I agree that the current situation on Wall Street is dire, and may have lasting trickle-down impact in our economy, perhaps even impacting every one of our lives. We may even see a full scale recession.
However, history teaches us that government is notoriously poor at solving these crises, and usually only prolongs the agony with their actions. I agree with Newt Gingrich on this issue: How can we trust Secretary Paulson to get this right? He has been consistently wrong on the economy for the past 18 months!
I do not want to see my tax dollars (and my children's tax dollars, and my GRANDchildren's tax dollars) going to fill the pockets of crooked and unethical Wall Street bankers with their golden parachutes. Let some banks go out of business if they made criminally sloppy decisions. Let the market correct itself. That is the true spirit of capitalism.
It may be tough, but those of us who were fiscally responsible and financially straight, we will weather this storm.
I urge you, Congressman Wolf, do NOT vote for the financial bailout deal. Do not rush to a snap decision because of perceived panic from Secretary Paulson, President Bush, or Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. Do not let politics win over what is right.
My vote for you in the next election will be based on your actions this week.
Thank you for your time.
Scott E. Harris