Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Funky Cold Medina!

Becky went to Back-to-School night tonight, and thank goodness she took the camera. She snapped some pictures of the kids' most recent artwork.

This first one is Luke's self portrait. This is how Luke sees himself: cool, with retro-shades, a slopey, a kickin' gold chain, an even kickin'er stilleto lapel pin, and some kind of awesome Men-In-Black jacket. Man, Luke, you are funky!

Eddie's assignment was to write sentences about himself. He didn't follow directions too well, but thankfully, in not doing so, he constructed a beautiful poem (almost a Haiku) about himself. How many children count among their blessings: love, food and a good mattress? I mean, really. A good mattress is pretty important!

Next was a writing assignment for Luke. Nothing too dramatic here. I'm pretty pleased with his penmanship and spelling. He only missed one word.

This next one was a family portrait done by Luke. When Luke's teacher saw it, she immediately burst out laughing. Then, she called Becky and asked if it was okay to put this on display out in the hallway with the rest of the class pictures. She was worried that I might be embarrassed. Becky looked at it and also began laughing. She told Luke's teacher that it would be just fine. When I saw it, I was definitely not embarrassed. Actually, I was kind of proud of it! And when one of the other Moms saw it this evening, she mentioned that she wants to hook up with me for her Scotch whisky club. Good advertising, Luke!

Finally, this one isn't exactly artwork, but I found it on the camera when I was pulling pictures off, and it made me chuckle. I remember now the situation: Eddie was taking pictures of Frank, who is always in the dishwasher after dinner as the dirty dishes are being loaded. Luke was helping to clear the table. However, taking the picture totally out of context, it seems to me that Mr. Frank is very lucky to still have his curly little tail!

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