¡Qué huevos!
Our breakfast this morning was a little adventurous. I stopped by Whole Foods last week, and while I was there, I couldn't resist the temptation to purchase one very large ostrich egg. Whole Foods is incredible! In just their egg section, they have free range chickens (eggs varying from brown, to speckled, even to green), ducks, quail, and yes, ostrich.
One ostrich egg costs $19.99, so it was a bit of a splurge, but I knew the boys would get a kick out of it.
This morning, Luke was particularly interested in helping make breakfast, so he and I cracked the egg and scrambled it up. Cracking an ostrich egg requires a mallet (as we discovered) since the shell is almost a full eighth of an inch thick. (The eggshell itself is as big as Luke's head!)
The egg was quite delicious. How'd it taste? Pretty much like a regular egg, but it had a creamy texture and was much more fluffy. With the single egg we had, I scrambled up half of the egg, poured the other half in a freezer bag. Half of the egg easily served three, so I guess a whole ostrich egg serves six. That is one BIG egg!