Back in San Diego
The picture at right is a clue to my current whereabouts. Anybody recognize the site? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller? That's right. It's Dulles, and it's Dulles under major reconstruction.
Yes, today finds me back in San Diego. Not for pleasure, but for business. Though the weather outside is stunningly gorgeous, I am sequestered my entire time here either in my hotel room, pictured left, or in a basement windowless conference room (intentionally not pictured).
My hotel isn't terrible, but it's not great either. It's situated right smack on the highway, and when I mean right smack, I mean that if you walked too far off your patio, you'll get right smacked. Big time.
But I prefer this hotel because the bedrooms are clean, the breakfast includes eggs, and it has a full fitness center including a lower body machine for my Body For Life workouts. This is more important to me than the froofy places that I could be staying, with the rest of my team. (See picture, left.)
The view from my hotel room includes some very nice old California bungalows rising up from San Diego Avenue. These places are pretty small, but offer a nice view of I-5 and the airport. Oh, yeah, and I think the ocean is out there somewhere beyond the runways.
Finally, we do seem some oddities when we're out here. It is California, after all. We stumbled upon this car in a government facility parking lot, and I swear, one would think the Unabomber is driving the thing. It was chock full to the windows of old newspapers, and the passenger side door is literally stuck on only with duct tape! I didn't want to hang around it too long for fear it would explode or something.
And one last pic... I found this one on my phone when I was transferring the others. It's a great picture of Luke, who, along with Eddie and Becky, I am missing terribly right now.