The Day Before the Day Before the Day Before Christmas
Things were busy around here yesterday. We started off with a little shopping with Grandpa, while Grandma and Becky went off alone together shopping. The highlight of our trip was stopping in at TGI Fridays to get some french-fried green beans with wasabi ranch dip. Yum.
While shopping, we picked up a couple of presents for the boys. Eddie bought a musical keyboard, and the following impromptu performance video is quite amusing.
Then, later, I took Luke to the roller skating rink for a little exercise with his friend, Henry. This was good for 90 minutes or so, until I got bored, and we had to come back home.
Then, around dinnertime, Grandma and Grandpa took us to Mario's for some delicious pasta. Grandpa and I had our favorite Possilipo (big bowl of shellfish and noodles).
After supper, we all went over to Sharon's for a little holiday social hour with cookies and treats. This was especially fun, and visiting with the normal gang plus Pam's mom and dad was really nice. (Even if I did peter out by 9:45.)