Dinner with Sharon and Desi
Thank you, Sharon and Desi, for a great fun time last night. Becky and I really enjoyed the night out.
We double dated, last night, at the Yellow Brick Bank Restaurant in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Dinner was really good--appetizers of mussels, scallops, quail, and a salad, entrées of loin of lamb, Cornish game hen, and two hanger steaks, plus two bottles of Gary Farrell 2004 Pinot Noir. But the company we kept was better even than the dinner. We always have a great time when we go out with Desi and Sharon, and last night was no exception.
Sharon and Desi are open minded enough, and brave enough, not to mind me wearing my kilt to dinner. Indeed, Sharon encouraged me to do so. So before we went out, I snapped a quick photo for the blog. Afterward, I couldn't resist showing some of my Highland Dancing before we departed!
It was a chilly night, but not at all chilling in the kilt. The wool fabric really keeps your "nibblies" warm. When we arrived at the Yellow Brick Bank, as we were walking in, a patron just leaving the restaurant let out a loud wolf whistle.
"Hey, I got whistled at!" I proudly said to Becky.
"Excuse me, sir," she replied, "What makes you think he was whistling at you?"
"Right. Good point." I was getting a little full of myself.
After dinner, we enjoyed a couple cups of coffee, headed home, and closed out the night with a nip of Ardbeg for Desi and I.
I'd been looking forward to last night all week, and it was definitely worth the wait. Good times.