Friday, September 01, 2006

Breakfast with Eddie

After a very busy week with customer meetings, I decided to take off today and begin a four-day weekend. As the remnants of Ernesto have started to arrive, I figured it was also good not to fool with a long commute today.

Luke went to Andrew's for a sleep-over, so we had a special night with Eddie. We all watched RV with Robin Williams (Thanks, Mom). Eddie really enjoyed the movie, especially the part where the RV goes into the lake. I explained to Eddie that the only part of that movie that actually happened for real to his Dad was the part with the poop sewage spewage. He couldn't hardly believe it!

Then, after my soaking wet run in the rain, I took Eddie for a special breakfast at the local diner. It was really nice to spend some one-on-one time with by big boy. I never hardly get to see him, just him and me.

Eddie had an egg sandwich with bacon, and an apple juice to drink. I had coffee, a large water, and two eggs over easy with hash browns and wheat toast. And do you know what I like best about this restaurant? The bill was six dollars (seven with tip). That's my kind of restaurant! Dingy, smoky, but cheap!

At breakfast, Eddie and I mostly just fooled around playing with his matchbox car, and I fooled around taking some video of it. Eddie wanted me to edit the video to insert land and sky around the car instead of the setting in the restaurant. His ideas are much bigger than my computer's capabilities!

So, what does the day hold for us? At one o'clock, we have parent teacher conferences, and maybe I will start wiring the new outlets in the garage today. Presently, the house is full of kids (since our neighbors are at their own parent-teacher conferences). Justin is here, and Mikey too. Andrew would have been, except that he spewed all over the carpet this morning. I sure hope he's not coming down with something, and I really hope Luke didn't get it!

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