Look at these guns!
Yes, I have begun weight training. I was going to post a picture of me in my underwear, as the "before" picture, but I decided I would wait until I got a ripped six pack, so I don't embarrass myself. Only after I have a very good "after" picture, will I divulge the "before." Oh yeah, and so I don't creep out anybody, there will be ample warning before clicking any undie shot. (God knows what kind of search engine keywords this discussion is going to yield! Oy-vey!)
So, I now own a weight bench. I think every man must own a weight bench at some point in his life. Becky's brother, Chuck, had one for a while. My dad owned one when he was in his thirties. Seems like it's a "well, I've been married ten-plus years, and it's time to take that spare tire off" kind of thing.
The program I'm doing is called Body for Life. It's a pretty simple program that involves eating right (portion control, low fat) six times a week, and six days of exercise: three days of weight training, three days of aerobics. The aerobic stuff I'm already doing--my swimming. This fits well into the program. I already eat pretty well, so I just have to make sure I don't pig out on portions or have any sweets and vending machine crap. Other than that, the weights are the only thing I needed to really learn how to do. Oh, yeah, on the seventh day, you rest. Just like God told us to. And you get to eat like a pig. Whatever you want on that seventh day. Six big macs, a steak and wash it all down with a growler of ODB Oak Barrel Stout. Amen to that!
I did my first weight lifting last night: upper body stuff. ("Yeah, I'm huge.") I felt really great afterward. I went to bed about 9:45pm and woke up at 3:30am. I couldn't get back to sleep. I felt completely rested and wide awake. I don't know if it's the weights or what, but I feel great!
Also last night, we had Jim and Lisa over for dinner. This was my "off" day, so we had huge T-bones, camembert mashed potatoes, and sautéed brussel sprouts with pecans. Yum!
J+L brought Mila and their new baby, Rachel Rose. She's such a pretty baby, and was really good all night. Here's a pretty nice picture of Mom and baby.