Sunday, March 26, 2006

Busy, busy day

These are the days that I dread. We got up for church this morning, took the boys to Sunday school and church. After that, it was Eddie's choir practice while I took Luke to Birthday Party #1--Andrew's bowling party at Village Lanes. Eddie came along after his choir practice was done, and the boys enjoyed some bowling, pizza and cake.

Then, it was a quick drive home, sit for 30 minutes, and turn around and head to Birthday Party #2--Aiden's lasertag adventure party at Shadowland Adventures. The boys enjoyed the lasertag (as did the parents), and again the boys enjoyed more pizza and cake.

When I finally got home, it was 7pm and time for bed. Becky asked me if I wanted to put the boys down and read to them, and I said, "No. I've had enough boys today."

They were very good, but sometimes, you just need a break.

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